Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Irish Independent Weekend Magazine

In February I photographed Agnes Stencel of Vintage Trig, a super stylish vintage boutique here in Waterford City for Irish Independent Weekend Magazine for a feature on Vintage store owners and pieces they will just never sell. Agnes' two favourite pieces were a pair of fab white Chanel pumps and an original war time dress marked with a war time tag. We had a fab hour or so in the shop and Agnes is a natural in front of the camera. Check out Vintage Trig here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tip 16 - Socks

This ones for the guys. More and more often I'm seeing the guys embrace style more often on their wedding day. It's great. However, time and time again they forget about the socks. Be they novelty or brightly coloured consider the socks for the grooms party. They make for some fun imagery and believe it or not relaxes the guys as there is something else to focus on.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tip 15 - Getting Ready

As much as possible on the  morning of your wedding have your hair and makeup done whilst sitting in the window. Not only will it make sure your makeup is as natural looking as possible but it will make for some stunning photographs.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tip 14 - Smile

This is a bonus tip because I was talking to someone about it and I knew I'd forget about it before next week. (Also I didn't blog last week)

On your wedding day, don't forget to smile. Yes I know it can be a stressful time running up to the wedding but on the day what's done is done. So just relax and enjoy the day. No one wants to look like a crabby Mary in their wedding photos now do they?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tip 13 - Food

I'm not talking about the big meal, I'm talking about food for yourself and your other half. Think about it. You'll probably be too nervous to eat on the morning before the ceremony and it's a long time til 6pm when dinner is served. A good tip is to have some bottled water and a sandwich or two in the back of the car for you to munch on the way to getting your photos taken. You'd be surprised what it can do for your mood.

Ciara and Jerome from Waterford and Galway respectively where surprised when Ciara's mam had placed county coloured sandwiches in the back of the car for them how cute!