so got in my (underused) car and headed for the hills (literally) back home to wicklow! i like driving cause it gives me time to think, or not, depending what mood im in! it takes a good 2 and half hours to get home so thats a lot of singing along to my ipod! i dont come home often but when i do its filled with lots of family time which i love! i left home 6 years ago for college, returned for a period of nine months and then hit the road again so i have been out of home for a long time! what i love about home is the routine, my mother never varies and its comforting, can be frustrating but mostly comforting. as with all mothers she can irritate but at the end of the day shes still my mam and i wouldnt change her for the world.
i had a lovely day today. i woke at 9. weed :) then went back to my camp bed in the sitting room and slept for another 3 hours. i didnt need to. i wanted to. got up, had my breakfast of toast and grapefruit (red grapefruit = yum) and went for walk with one of my sisters in a woods near my house, was something i hadnt planned on but really enjoyed, was good to catch up and just natter. i then collected my mam, and went for a visit to my oldest sisters house. 5 months ago she had a baby boy, he is the cutest thing in this world. hands down. everything he does makes me smile and he doesn't even do that much. he has made me miss home more and more, everytime i see him he is a different child, i miss alot, but my sister is very good with videos and pictures but its not the same. i then went to the cinema with my other sister (there are 4 of us girls and 2 boys) to see Youth in Revolt (good movie, worth a watch) with 3 of her friends. i tend to hermit-ise when i come home so it was good to get out and spend some quality time with her, again its the whole not seeing my family that often that means i appreciate these times more.
so here i am in my camp bed, wide awake, wanting to sleep and not being able to. dinner is at 1 so i probably should turn in. although im sure the 2 boys clattering in the door will wake me as soon as i hit the hay